3D Projecting Form

In this piece of work we had to make a 3D projection form from a book chosen at random. My book was about the 'Green Planet' and recycling, how to make the world a greener place. On the front of my book I had a image of a apple, which made me think about doing a apple placed into a hand. This represents the hand is taking care of the apple, like people taking care of our planet. I got influenced by Cara Barer and her work from the unusual, related book art that links to the cover or blurb of the book. My piece links with Cara Barers and other artists work from the design layout, as the piece of work is coming out of the book. I am very proud with this piece as I think it is one of the best pieces of work I have done this term. If I were to make any improvements I would have to neaten up the edges of the paper-mach'e so it looks and feels smooth.
These are some images from other 3D projecting artists:

Cara Barer 'Mummy'

Cara Barer 'Word Hive'